CFTC Orders Houston-Based Firm and Managing Member to Pay Over 0,000 for Forex Fraud Violations

On 20 August, 2024, in a decisive move against financial fraud, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) announced that it has issued an order against Get Money Tradez LLC (GMT) and its managing member, Jeffrey Carmon, Jr., based in Houston, Texas, requiring them to pay more than $520,000 in penalties and restitution. The CFTC found that the respondents had engaged in a fraudulent scheme involving two forex trading pools, soliciting nearly $1 million from 19 unsuspecting participants, only to misappropriate significant portions of those funds for personal use.

The investigation revealed that from July 2021 to the present, GMT and Carmon solicited $950,000 from the public under false pretenses. Carmon falsely claimed to be a highly successful forex trader, despite suffering net losses in 17 out of 19 months from January 2020 to July 2021. Instead of fulfilling his promises to invest the pool participants’ funds, Carmon misappropriated at least $113,000, which he diverted for personal expenses including payments to the IRS, restaurant bills, and retail purchases. The order also uncovered that the respondents had commingled pool funds and failed to register as required under the Commodity Exchange Act (CEA).

As part of the settlement, the CFTC has ordered GMT and Carmon to jointly pay $262,000 in restitution to the defrauded participants and an additional $262,000 as a civil monetary penalty. The respondents are also permanently banned from trading in CFTC-regulated markets and from registering with the CFTC, effectively removing them from the financial industry.

This ruling by the CFTC sends a powerful message to the financial industry: fraudulent activities will not be tolerated, and those who engage in such behavior will face severe consequences. The swift action by the CFTC not only holds the wrongdoers accountable but also demonstrates the Commission’s commitment to protecting the integrity of the financial markets and safeguarding the public from fraudulent schemes. This outcome underscores the importance of regulatory oversight in maintaining trust and transparency in financial markets.

While the CFTC’s actions are commendable, the case of Get Money Tradez LLC highlights ongoing challenges in protecting investors from sophisticated fraud schemes. Despite stringent regulations, fraudulent operators continue to exploit gaps in the system, often leaving victims with little recourse. The fact that Carmon was able to operate his fraudulent scheme for several years raises concerns about the effectiveness of current regulatory mechanisms in detecting and preventing such activities. Moreover, the CFTC’s caution that orders requiring restitution may not result in the full recovery of lost funds underscores the limitations of post-facto enforcement actions.

This case also has significant implications for the cryptocurrency and digital asset markets, where similar fraudulent schemes have been known to occur. The CFTC’s enforcement action against Get Money Tradez LLC serves as a stark reminder that the principles of investor protection and regulatory compliance apply equally to traditional and digital financial markets. As the popularity of cryptocurrency trading continues to surge, so too does the risk of encountering bad actors who exploit the relatively unregulated nature of the space. This ruling highlights the necessity for cryptocurrency investors to exercise caution and due diligence, ensuring that any trading platforms or investment opportunities they engage with are properly registered and regulated. The case reinforces the importance of a robust regulatory framework to prevent fraud in the crypto market and protect investors from significant financial losses.

Investors are urged to remain vigilant and conduct thorough due diligence before committing funds, particularly in high-risk areas like forex trading. The CFTC’s advisory on forex fraud provides critical information on identifying potential scams, and the public is encouraged to utilize resources like the NFA BASIC system to verify the registration status of individuals and firms. By working together, regulators, financial institutions, and investors can strengthen the defenses against financial fraud and enhance the overall security of the financial system.
